
The Ipsissium of Verdisolia is governed by an Ipsissimus, who holds absolute authority over the realm. The Ipsissimus is the supreme ruler and embodies the highest authority in all matters of governance, law, and administration within the Ipsissium.

The Ipsissimus exercises unrestricted authority over the Ipsissium. All decisions, legislative enactments, and policies are made by the Ipsissimus alone, without the need for consultation or approval from any other governing body.

While the Ipsissimus holds supreme authority, the Magisterium, an advisory council, exists to provide counsel to the Ipsissimus regarding administrative affairs. Additionally, each Magister holds an office of Magister Templi,–Master of a Temple–maintaining executive power over their respective Templum. The role of Magister Templi is appointed by the Ipsissimus, and serves at the discretion of the Ipsissimus. 

The laws of Ipsissium Verdisolium are enacted and interpreted at the discretion of the Ipsissimus. The administration of justice may be carried out through courts and legal bodies appointed by the Ipsissimus.