The Ipsissium of Verdisolia can be reached by emailing the appropriate Templi, Magister, or other official. If you know which institution you are trying to reach, you may contact them at the email provided on this page.
The Office of the Ipsissimus
The Office of Ipsissimus Prosper I may be contacted at
Templum of Foreign Affairs
To reach the Templum of Foreign Affairs or the Magister of Foreign Affairs, please email
Please note that Ipsissium Verdisolium adops a ‘festina lente’ approach to diplomacy. While Verdisolia is open to diplomatic engagement with other nations, such engagements will only be formalized upon demonstrating a requisite quality of decorum and professionalism.
Maat Directorate
The Maat Directorate may be reached via email at
Security in Communication
Every Verdisolian official is required to possess a valid GPG Key. To obtain these GPG Public keys, please visit the Security in Communication page or contact the Maat Directorate.